Saturday, June 09, 2012

Garlic Mustard Challenge is a Success

Thanks to the all of our volunteers who came out on the first Saturday of Summer Vacation to pull Garlic Mustard at the Saugatuck Dunes State Park.

The Flinsky Family was our champion but everyone who helped and learned from the DNR's Heidi Frei made a big difference today.

We cleared over 30 pounds of the invasive species and found some deep pockets that we were able to keep from seeding.

Visit our Challenge Site to learn more about this project.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Get your creative photo juices flowing.

Here is our Hamilton Hawkeyes logo.

Download it (control click - Save image as) and then have lots of fun with it in and

Just remember to use these tools responsibly. What you create is up to you. Keep it classy.