
Meet Mr. Losik

Elementary STEM Teacher, Technology Integration Specialist, Author, Helpful Guy

Andy Losik has been teaching for 22 years in a variety of elementary school settings. For the last two decades, he has specialized in technology at the elementary level in Hamilton, Michigan. This year, he co-founded a new STEM program that will serve learners in the district's four elementary schools.

The 2009 Michigan Technology Teacher of the Year is an Apple Distinguished Educator and Google for Education Certified Innovator who serves as a "helpful guy" in his school district and across the country for private, public, and charter schools looking to make a difference with technology in the classroom. He has also provided insight for companies like Disney's Kerpoof Studios, Sony and most recently joined a special team at Discovery Education that works to advise and promote its many corporate partner educational initiatives.

In 2015 Andy completed Stay In the Game: Jared Veldheer's Journey To the NFL, a biography detailing the principles the Arizona Cardinals' team captain and left tackle has used to achieve tremendous success. 

First and foremost Andy is a husband and dad who loves his family, fishing, and football as much as he loves the techie stuff.


Follow Andy at, @mrlosik on Twitter, or contact him at alosik at


  1. I miss you! -cass

  2. I am a good student in Adams elementary zeeland MI. -cass

  3. I was wondering how you choose your names for your stories, as I google searched my name and found it in one of your stories, and I do not recall ever meeting you. My name is pretty unique. I have only found one other person with my name who lives in Holland. I am not upset, but am truly intrigued as to how someone would have put my name together in a story they created....
